10/30/2007 Note from Kenny

Kenny's EagleIf you've been wondering why I am not touring this Christmas season, the answer is really quite simple. Last year, as much as I enjoyed performing all the holiday music, being away from my kids in December made the holidays a very blue time for me. And Luke and Hana missed me too much. So I thought I'd give it a rest this year and be home for them, and myself too. These days of small children pass way too fast, and I don't want to miss any more of their childhood than I have to.

I also want to send my heartfelt best wishes to those friends and fans who have been displaced by the recent fires around California. This has been a trying time for you all, and I only hope you get through this with your homes still intact and your families safe.

I hope to see you all on the road come spring '08. We will be re-releasing the newest CD, How About Now, in February, all dressed up in a new package and ready for prime time via all normal CD distribution channels. I've never had a CD/album released twice with two separate packages, so I have high hopes for this one. I just hope it doesn't confuse too many folks.

See you on the road. Thanks again for all the support.
God speed, my friends.


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